Sunday, February 28, 2010

Essential Question: V

How are climate, cultures and oceans all connected?

Our oceans covering approximately 70% of our Earth surface, it is one of our main resources of life on this planet.  The oceans also regulate our weather and climate daily, plus provides mostly us with oxygen for the human and animal population.

We have seven great Oceans that create basins on this one planet: North Pacific, South Pacific, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean.  Without these oceans where would we be?

All the oceans gifts are interconnected circulation system powered by tides, wind, and the Earth daily movement. This helps with the sea level changes as plate tectonics cause the volume of oceans basins and the height of the land to change daily. Most of the Earth’s water 97% approximately comes from the oceans.

One big part of the water cycle is connected to all the earth’s reservoirs and evaporation and precipitation process. The oceans are connected to major lakes, rivers, and waterways because all the major water heads drain into the oceans. Another good part is that the rivers and streams transport nutrients, salts, sediments and other etc things into oceans.

However the oceans are very large but the resources are still limited in many ways. We are still exploring how to use the raw materials from the oceans and to help save our planet. 

The oceans are a major influence on weather and climate with dominating the Earth’s energy, water and carbon systems. Also the oceans absorb lots of our solar radiation.  The oceans will always have unique influence on our climate change by absorbing, storing and moving heat, carbon, and water. 

By our science data first life is thought to have started in the ocean but which ocean?
The oceans supplies us with freshwater, because most rains comes off the oceans currents.  We get foods, medicines, and minerals and energy resources and it also supplies us with jobs and helps support our nations economy.
It serves like a highway for domestic and foreign transportation for people and goods. 

We live in a global population of where people mostly live in coastal areas.  It gives us recreation areas, and rejuvenates our soul of breathing fresh air, with a discovery in many unknown cultures.

We can’t forget about how the Ice Age helped develop the ocean heat currents, energy and shifting of global warming over the years. It made people and animals migrate to different locals to survive.  We all are responsible of caring and sustaining the oceans cleanness for all humans to use and to get resources from. 

We are still exploring the oceans and all its richness that is being offered to us. In fact we are so curiosity and inquiring how to better our understanding of the ocean systems and opportunities.  In time, it will require many chemists, biologist, engineers, geologists, meteorologists, and many other science and technology people using new ways of thinking to use the natural resources from all the oceans. 

A few questions:

Can we completely live off the oceans for all of our resources?

Will it ever be possible to build towns or cities on the oceans floors to survive?

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