Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Module 1

Essential Question: How can digital resources and effective teaching methods be used to integrate Alaska Native ways of knowing and Western scientific methods in order to create greater understanding of?

Technology it will give everyone a well-rounded view of the world at hand. It offers the uniqueness of pinpointing specific cultural aspects, and also provides graphics to explain the native cultures in Alaska, as well as the world. The integration of modern technology has provided society with more resources to gain knowledge than traditional library materials years ago ever could. The world is changing and we need to be a part of that vast change, not only to better our environment, but also to teach our students.  Native Alaskans have used this digital system to educate the nation about the reality of life out in the bush. Sharing their knowledge and experiences is important for Native Alaskans to show the rest of the world how their culture is preserved in their community through education. Utilizing digital systems has also been a significant tool in showing the Westernized societies of the United States the real way of life out in rural Alaska; helping to clarify many unrealistic views that so many have.

Native Alaskans cannot only use digital resources as a way to share their culture and traditions with the rest of the world, but they can use modern technology to help better their own environment as well. Many rural Alaskan communities can learn what other, westernized, societies are doing to provide more sustainable energy and resources through technology. Domains like Google Earth is a great way for Native Alaskans to see what life looks like in other, more modernized, areas, and can enhance their beliefs that anything is possible.

Since the time of man, science has always been a mystery, and misunderstood by Western societies. Technology and resources in modernized societies of the United State often refer to these tools as “Western Science.” Philosophers and historians define modern-day science as the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. Western science methods are used to collect data, provide communication, and use experimentation variables.

In talking to Elders, it seems Westernized science years ago consisted of watching the river and ocean currents because the way that the currents changed provided them with the data they needed about the land; they were able to predict by the way of the currents if hunting seasons would be successful or not. 


One big problem is communication problems often arise from the differences between Western science and Native people, like many children learn about their environment.  The holistic way, in which Native Americans have traditionally investigated their environment, everything is contextual.  The Elders are struggling to answer questions asked by Western scientists.

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